BoM Moreton Bay Forecast
The Moreton Bay forecast can now be found here
Wettest month since recording started
Cleveland Weather Station saw a total of 634.6mm during February 2022
While the Cleveland Weather Station didn't see the massive totals of elsewhere in SEQ, we have recorded the wettest month since our records started.
We also have a new Youtube channel started showing various daily time lapse videos from the weather camera. These will be posted routinely and if there is something interesting to see.
Subscribe and like the Cleveland Weather Station Weather Camera Timelapse channel here
Check out the webcamera
The webcamera is actually a digital still camera with some tricky software to allow it to be used as a webcamera. Updates during the day.
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Something not right?
Have you come across a broken link, or does some data just not seem right? Contact me and let me know.
Station Setup
Want to know more about the equipment that brings you this website
See how the station has been setup and configured. All the way through to the connection to the PC and software that runs everything.